Friday, December 20, 2013

O.M.R Sheet Hacking

O.M.R Sheet Hacking

1.  Marking the black lines (Black on Black method)

   On the left side of most scantrons that, there are black
lines next to question numbers.  My hypothesis is that these black lines
tell the machine where to scan. It works about  25%-30% of
the time.suppose coupled with actual guessing, this does add to the
probability of getting a correct answer.This is the hack that will work 
more often than any other.  Do it only on the ones you can't answer.

2.  Erasing the same black lines (Erasure method)-

   Now this hack is pretty self-explanatory. You erase those same black
lines, only on the ones you can't answer though. Sometimes the machine
skips the question and doesn't mark it at all.  This leaves you with a
correct answer.


   The machine will record an error and not mark the paper at all,
including the score.  This will then allow the teacher to grade it by
hand, where he or she may notice the tampering.

3.  Erasing the big black block (Big block eradication method)-

   Along the left side is a big black block.It is on the upper part of
the column before the question lines.Occasionally, the machine will just
skip over the whole damn thing but leave you with a 100%.  This is
practically impossible to get to work. Reasoning for this is
because there is another similar block at the bottom of the column.
That variations in the printing of scantrons probably produce a block on 
the bottom similar enough to the erased block.  Thus, the machine sees the
 block begins scanning, sees nothing to correct and
gives you a 100%. This is probably less than 1% success, but
it can work.

4.  Cross-hatching fill-ins (Cross method)-

   This method works about 20%-25% of the time.It is pretty
self-explanatory.This is the best patterns are diaganol
cross-hatches, or horizontal lines.It simply confusing the machine.

5.  In-between shading (Grey areas method)-

   By in-between shading, I mean finding a level of grey that is not too
dark or too light.

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