Monday, November 11, 2013

Create Your Own Header file

Create Your Own Header file

How to create your own Header Files in C/C++?

In this article I am going to tell you the easiest way to create your own header files in programming languages like C and C++. For this you do not have to be an expert. This can be done by anyone who has just started learning programming languages. Ok! Before starting the process let me tell you the thing that why we need to create our own header files.

Why we need to create our own header files?

When we are working on big projects, we create many functions to perform particular task. But this makes the source code very long. So to solve this kind of problem we create a header file with all those function and include this header file in our program. This makes the program shorter, effective and easy to understand. Now I am sure that you understand the purpose of creating our own header files.

Simple way to create your own header files in C/C++

1. Open notepad and write the function that you want to use in your program. An example is shown below.

int sum(int a,int b)

2. Now save the notepad file with .h extension. Like in above example we are creating a function forsum, so save this file with name sum.h in INCLUDE or BIN folder (you can use any other name).
3. After that write a program that uses this sum function and include the header file that you have just created. I have written the program below to make it easy to understand.

#include<sum.h>                             //header file created by you

void main()
                int a,b,s;
                printf("Enter the value of a and b:");


4. In this way you can add more functions to your header file.

Note: Do not use long header file name (about 7 to 8 characters), otherwise you will get an error. Write only the function definition in the header file, there is no need to write function prototype.

If you have any kind of problem regarding the whole process than feel free to ask by commenting below.

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