Cool features of the iPhone 5

If you haven’t been living under a rock the past few months, then you’ll know that the iPhone 5′s triumphant release created a big stir in the technology community upon its release. The iPhone 5  is a major upgrade to its predecessors because the phone is slimmer, has a larger screen, boasts the best screen resolution of any iPhone yet, and even possesses a faster processor in order to accomplish more tasks and enable greater functionality of the phone. Here are some of my favorite features that are unique to the iPhone 5.

Yes, yes, yes. I love this feature. Let’s say you get a call from a friend but you are unable to talk to them at the moment. Instead of having to simply reject or decline their call you can now click “Decline with SMS” in order to open up a text message with them so that you can tell them you’re in a meeting or you’re busy with chores or you’re ummm… on your honeymoon.

With Apple’s improved wireless functionality for the iPhone 5 this has spurred many third-party companies to create unique wireless and Bluetooth devices designed to make use of this feature. One of my favorites is the boom of “wireless charging devices” we’ve seen for the iPhone 5. No longer do you have to be attached to a wire or near a wall outlet in order to charge your phone. Any time or anywhere your iPhone can read the signal from the charging device, it automatically begins charging the battery if it needs it. They even make these for your car now.

With the iPhone 5 you now have a new option for alerting yourself of phone calls and texts. If you’re in a loud environment such as a family reunion, a networking event, or a club where perhaps you aren’t going to hear your phone ringing, then you’ll want to turn this on as it’s rather hard to miss the rather bright LED flashing to alert you of that important call or text you’ve received. One word of caution though… It probably won’t do well to put it next to your bed while you sleep if this is tuned on!

On the iPhone 4S Siri could only perform a handful of functions and most of them were related to the Internet, such as opening websites with restaurant recommendations, conducting Internet searches, and linking to maps to show you what was close by or read directions to you. But now Siri can do all that and more. Siri can open apps, call people, schedule meetings… The list goes on and on.
There are a lot of nifty things you can do with your iPhone 5 and this list should just be enough to get you started. If you’re interested in purchasing an iPhone for yourself, I recommend you check out this site. And since I am always a fan of a good bargain (and your iPhone was certainly not cheap), you could save a few bills with these awesome iPhone SIM-only deals.
Author blurb:
Laura Ginn is a professional writer and blogger who regularly blogs about the topic of technology with mobile technology being a major feature. She’s attached to her phone almost constantly in order to remain in touch with friends and work contacts so she’s quite aware of how to make the most out of her iPhone!

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Hindustan times