Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hide drive in Windows without using any software

How To Hide Drives In Windows Without Using Any Software

First of all, It is very advisable to backup the system so that if any kind of problems or errors occurs then you can roll back to your previous state easily.

Read and follow the steps very carefully 

1) Click on start and type 'regedit'(without quotes) and press.

2) Then navigate to : HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion PoliciesExplorer

3) Right click on the right side panel to create a new DWORD value with name NoDrives.

4) Then open the file and modify the value data to 3FFFFFF with base hexadecimal (if we want to hide all drive).
5) For hiding certain drive use the following values with base decimal as most of you may not be familiar with hexadecimal.
  • To hide A:  1,
  • To hide B :  2,
  • To hide C :  4,
  • To hide D : 8,
  • To hide E : 16,
  • To hide F : 32,
  • To hide G : 64
  • To hide H : 128 
If you want to hide more than one drive, just sum up the values. Like to hide C and D, the value data would be ''4+8'' = 12

Step 6: Now restart your system for the changes to take place.

 To get it back, simply delete the registry key , log off and relogin.

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