Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hide secret files behind an Image/Picture

Copy Or Hide A File Inside An Image

Just follow the steps given below and you will find it very much easy.

Steps to hide files behind an Image:

1) Create a  folder (I created in drive C: named “c”).

2) Place all the files  that you want to hide in this newly created folder "c"(I stored x.txt in it).

3) Place an image file inside where you will be hiding your files in the same folder "c" (I stored j.jpgin it).

4) Make a rar archive of  the file that you need to hide inside the same folder (I created one named r.rar).

5) Now open your command terminal. (Start->Run->cmd)

6) Type cd C:c   and press enter

7) Now just type the following command with name that corresponds to your file and press enter.

copy /b j.jpg + r.rar j.jpg

Steps to see/recover file back:

Just change the extension of  image file that is j.jpg to j.rar

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