Sunday, October 20, 2013

Tips to Install Turbo C++ in Windows 7/vista 64 Bit

How to install Turbo C++ in Windows 7/vista 64 Bit ?

1)First Download Turbo C/C++

2) Create a folder named "Turboc++" in your D-Drive.

3) Extract your TURBOC.EXE file by using Winrar. Right-click on the "TURBOC"

file and you can find the option "Extract to TURBOC\".

After extracting, you will notice a folder named "TURBOC" will be created.

Inside that folder "TURBOC" there will be an another folder named "TC"

which contains all the C++ files in it. Copy that folder "TC" into the created

folder "Turboc++".

So in your D-drive Turboc++ folder will contain the folder "TC"

4) Double-click on the shortcut icon "DOSBox" that can be found on your

desktop. A command prompt will be opened with the prompt Z:\>

Now enter the below command and press "Enter"

mount d d:\turboc++\

"Drive D is mounted as local directory d:\turboc++\" should appear.

Now change the prompt by entering the below command.

d: ---> Press Enter.

Now your prompt changes to D:\>

Now enter the below commands

cd tc\bin --> Press Enter. Now the prompt will be D:\TC\Bin>

tc ----> Press Enter.

Turboc++ Editor will be opened. Click on OK.

5) Go to "Options" --> Directories --> Change the path to D. That is

Include Directories path should be D:\TC\Include

Library Directories path should be D:\TC\LIB

Click on OK.

Now again go to "Options" --> Directories --> Save.

6) Hold the "Alt" key and Press Enter to "Maximize" it. To minimize it, again

hold the "Alt" key and Press Enter.

[Note : Don't use the shortcut key Ctrl+F9 to Run the program. You need to do

it manually by going to "Run" --> Run.]

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